Thursday, 8 September 2016

And finally!

I have been here nearly two years now, and thought I should make an effort to update the blog for the final rooms in the house. That's it - I shall now feel no more guilt about unfinished business.  I just might put up some garden pictures from time to time - after all, a garden's never finished, is it?

Bedroom 3 - before and (sort of) after

OK, I'm sorry - this room is STILL an overflow for things that need to find a place, even after nearly two years, but I WILL get those pictures hung one day, LP's stored, and books found a home for somewhere.

The Bathroom - before and after

The utility room and porch - before and after

So - the old kitchen disappeared, to be replaced by a small porch and more GARDEN. 

And a blocked-up window was re-opened to give some more light in the utility room.

The Dining Room - before and after