Monday, 28 July 2014

Beginnings of the new kitchen

At last I'm starting to see things coming together - the kitchen floor was finished last week so that a start has been made on the kitchen cabinets.

Floors are levelled

Quarry tiles are laid 

(Don't tell Ray's wife he was cleaning the tiles ready to seal them, she doesn't know he can clean floors.)


Kitchen cabinets start to go in

More work in the bathroom

Finally! A shower tray that's not scratched is in place.  And Martin has made a start on the tiling.  (Note to self - it's time for Peppa Pig in her car to go.)

Meet the team (part two)

I said a while ago that I'd post some photos of my plumbers - here they are:


 ...and Nick

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Bathrooms etc

Things are going on all the time at Alexander house, but there's not much to show for it yet. Still, I do now have an airing cupboard in the bathroom, though no shower tray yet, as two have been sent back because they were scratched. 


...and the shower room has been dismantled:

Shower room

while there is the beginning of a downstairs cloakroom appearing under the stairs.

Downstairs cloakroom

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Unpleasantness in the utility room

Tony & Dave had to take some ceiling boards down to put new wiring into the utility room, and found that the space above the boards had been stuffed with sawdust (for insulation??)

They weren't very happy, it came down on top of them.

Meet the team (part one)

Somebody (hello Colin) said I should post some photos of my builders, so here are some of them:

Ray (the boss)

Martin (bricklayer extraordinaire)

Tony & Dave (the electricians)

 Tea-break with Graham (apprentice) and Tony

Site meeting with Ray & Martin

The plumbers (Michael & Nick) weren't about, so maybe I'll catch them on camera another day.